
Locally Sourced (prototype) is a mini adventure game where you literally find all food ingredients ordered at a cafe from your surroundings.  For every order you need to travel around the local islands finding, stealing and trading for the correct items within a time limit.

Locally Sourced is playable in the browser using directional / AWSD keys and return / spacebar.

Locally Sourced was created in my spare time between 21st June - 21st July 2021, just over a week's work in total.

Game per month 3

After releasing my last game QuestBall on mobile in Summer 2020 I found working on the next project a challenge. Part creative block, part COVID-era issues, the next big idea just never progressed. So I’ve opted to make a series of games, each of them started and completed in a month. That’s a month of spare time, evenings and the occasional working day (approx. one week's actual work per month). I see each of them like a game jam, an experiment, a chance to try out a genre, style or technique. Its inspired by Sokpop Collective and Rami Ismail's Game a Week post.


Everything is by me, Stuart Wallace. I'm a Scottish 40-something dad and app creator living near Brighton in the UK. I dabble in game-making in my spare time. 

Locally Sourced's art was all hand-drawn on paper, with photos taken of the drawings and then cleaned up in Sketch.  The game was made in Unity.


This game is 100% free and you're welcome to play it as such. If you'd like to support me in making further games then a small donation is obviously appreciated. Alternatively you can download my game QuestBall on mobile for free with a $1.99 / £1.99 in-app purchase to unlock all characters and stop adverts.

Development log

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